She's Electric - GTR arrives - same day as the pouring rain...

Like a kid on Xmas Eve is the only way I can explain the days before my board arrived... Must have been exceptionally good as this arrived on the doorstep: Whoop Whoop So straight to the opening sequence... FOUR DAYS LATER... Well didn't stop pouring it down until Thursday evening so it was a long wait to get the first ride in. Andy and a mate came across for the occasion and Ayer (my next door neighbour skate buddy) joined us. Now, I had got Ayer Onewheeling and he liked it but his true love is skating and I don't think it ever scratched that itch for him; so it was going to be interested what he thought. In my excitement I forgot to take any photos or video to immortalise the occasion. I did have a big post organised for how I had got on with the board/s (don't ask) and how I had been doing, how I now had street, all terrain 7.5s and the new hybrid 6s AT wheels but hey, as they say a picture paints a thousand words... 37 C degree day, early m...