
Showing posts from June, 2019

She's Electric - GTR arrives - same day as the pouring rain...

Like a kid on Xmas Eve is the only way I can explain the days before my board arrived... Must have been exceptionally good as this arrived on the doorstep: Whoop Whoop So straight to the opening sequence... FOUR DAYS LATER... Well didn't stop pouring it down until Thursday evening so it was a long wait to get the first ride in. Andy and a mate came across for the occasion and Ayer (my next door neighbour skate buddy) joined us. Now, I had got Ayer Onewheeling and he liked it but his true love is skating and I don't think it ever scratched that itch for him; so it was going to be interested what he thought. In my excitement I forgot to take any photos or video to immortalise the occasion. I did have a big post organised for how I had got on with the board/s (don't ask) and how I had been doing, how I now had street, all terrain 7.5s and the new hybrid 6s AT wheels but hey, as they say a picture paints a thousand words... 37 C degree day, early m...

Mind Surfing...

I have skated all my life (well 52 of the 58 years anyway), and by skated I obviously mean skateboarded. All different forms and types of skating and skateboards but there has always been one factor that linked them all together (apart from the few years of vert ramp action) - wherever I was skating, whatever I was skating on, in my head I was surfing... So much so my mate bought me this: Life and skating takes it toll on one's body and hence a few years back I started looking at e-skates to save the hips and knees from even more abuse. But the few I tried were not cut out for commuting or riding on our insanely crap pavements and roads so got a ramp built in the garden instead... After even more strain and abuse on the knee and back I bought into the new kid on the block - the Onewheel. Possibly either the lamest marketing branding ever, or a stroke of genius as no one can ever forget its name, "what was that weird skate thing we saw today called, you know the onewheel th...