Stoke amongst the angst...

World in lockdown, Aussie trip forced to be cancelled, government seemingly befuddled about what to do, people being told to sneeze into their elbow yet panic buying loo roll... ('can't tell there arse from their elbow lad' as me dad would have said)... It is easy, and not really surprising, that so many people feel down. Under reaction, over reaction, who actually knows. But as the BBC weather report found out courtesy of Mr Fish all those years ago, surely it is better to over react and be pleasantly proved wrong than to under react and be fucked... But one thing is clear pastimes like skating/eskating are ideal to keep one's spirits up in such times. Unless you are on a group ride it is a fairly solitary thing to do, social distancing is easy to do and you get outside to get your dose of Vitamin D (which may be important in determining how bad you get the virus when you get it). Transport wise it solves the social distancing problem. But more than anything,...